Our Buses VOLVO B430R, Touristic bus uses, are a Euro 3 certified vehicles whose chassis is equipped with all the technological advantages for a comfortable and safe transport of medium and long distances. It has an injected motor of 10,800 c.c. that offers a power of 430 CV, pneumatic suspension with electronic control and an automated transmission “I-Shift” of 12 marches.

In its safety equipment, the VOLVO B430R has a VEB (Volvo Electronic Brake) engine brake, with 390 HP of maximum braking power, fully pneumatic suspension with ECS electronic control, reaction stabilizer bars and level adjustment for safer maneuvers during the journey

It also has an ESP electronic stability control system, which reduces the risk of accidents in emergency situations by preventing the unit from tipping over if the floor is dry or skidding if it is wet, the system cuts the engine power and activates the ABS in that way the pilot may recover control.

Mercedes Benz OF-1721 Buses front engine this are powerful machines designed for tough roads and land, this model of bus is the most sold in the Brazilian market in recent years, it was also chosen by the specialist magazine AutoData as the best bus 2008.
The bus body structure of the Brazilian industry MARCOPOLO, has joined with this audacious model and innovative of the Mercedes Benz with OF-1721 model, has an international technology standard, and travel comfort on short and medium distances.  The VIAGGIO 1050 It is the sixth generation MARCOPOLO which has a strongly reinforced galvanized tubular structure for the route. It meets all international standards like the buses in the United States, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.  Galvanized Tubular Structure and better Aerodynamics.  Aerodynamic wind tunnel tested (ITA-Aeronautic Institute of Technology).


La Paz

Venta de pasajes de bus:
Tel.+( 591) 2 2287038
WhatsApp +(591) 76974976
Pasaje Kramer Nro. 710, casi Av. Uruguay (subiendo las gradas) como referencia 100 metros antes de llegar a la terminal de buses
Horario de atención: De lunes a viernes de horas 09:00 a 21:00
Sábado de horas 09:30 a 12:30 y 14:30 a 21:00
Domingo y feriados de horas 16:00 a 21:00


WY 82801 - US
Somos una empresa que brinda conford y seguridad transportandolo a una maravilla natural del planeta.


Venta de pasajes de bus:
Tel.+( 591) 2 693-3337
Av. Cabrera 158, entre Av. Arce y calle Bolívar
Horario de atención: De lunes a viernes de horas 09:00 a 21:00
Sábado, domingo y feriados de 07:30 a 12:30 y de 14:30 a 21:00